.. _api: Developer Interface =================== .. module:: twython This page of the documentation will cover all methods and classes available to the developer. Twython, currently, has two main interfaces: - Twitter's Core API (updating statuses, getting timelines, direct messaging, etc) - Twitter's Streaming API Core Interface -------------- .. autoclass:: Twython :special-members: __init__ :inherited-members: .. _streaming_interface: Streaming Interface ------------------- .. autoclass:: TwythonStreamer :special-members: __init__ :inherited-members: Streaming Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: twython.streaming.types.TwythonStreamerTypes :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: twython.streaming.types.TwythonStreamerTypesStatuses :inherited-members: Exceptions ---------- .. autoexception:: twython.TwythonError .. autoexception:: twython.TwythonAuthError .. autoexception:: twython.TwythonRateLimitError